But joy comes with the morning.
It's easier to be proud of my country today.
However, my state is troubling me. Michele Bachmann very well may get re-elected -- a statement that the St Cloud area is as nut-jobby as she is, perhaps.
That Norm Coleman may get re-elected makes me angry and upset. I think that he is the worst sort of politician, a carpetbagging, perfectly-veneered, Noo Yawk opportunist. The results that are coming in keep getting worse; the only bit of information that gives me some hope is that only 40% of Minneapolis precincts have reported their results, and in the results, Al Franken was bitch-slapping Norm Coleman to the tune of 114,012 against 84,798. (Also in St Louis county--Duluth area--with 18% returning, the margin is 53% Franken to 34% Coleman. Those precise numbers are a lot smaller than Hennepin county, but still.)
It slaughters me how unpopular Norm Coleman is and has been in the metro areas of Minnesota. He's a former mayor of St Paul who can't even carry his former city--not in his ill-fated run for governor and not in either of his Senate campaigns. I wish that message would carry to the outlying regions of Minnesota!: Those of us who know him, loathe him.
It was really something, truly, to witness what happened tonight. I'm only sad that Ryan fell asleep before the election was called for Mr Obama. Luckily I DVR'ed his speech so Ryan can watch it later!
update 12:22 am: Holy mother of crap, Hennepin county just jumped to 78% reporting and closed the margin from about 60,000 votes overall to about 4,000. This thing ain't dead yet. The count is now 250, 414 to 169,631 in the county; 954,661 (Coleman, 42%) to 950,952 (Franken, 42%) in the state overall. No, this race is certainly still up in the air. St Louis county is still at 18% reporting.
update 12:30 am: Watching Wolf Blitzer attempt to explain Minnesota politics, how Dean Barkley was briefly named a senator by Jesse Ventura when Paul Wellstone died, was freakin' hi-larious. The margin is now about 10, 000 votes in Coleman's favor. Bah.
Oh, jeez, I'm going to bed.
Cubs Outright Rob Zastryzny
2 hours ago
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